Thursday, May 15, 2008

Political mumbojumbo

So this morning I decided to peruse the internet news and what to my wandering eyes should appear but an article on how McCain says that the U.S. can win the war in four more years. I guess I'm just to much of a free spirited tree-hugging hippie to be happy about this news. I haven't wanted us to be in this war from the start and that feeling grows more each day we are there. 4 more years of it?! In the article entitled U.S can win Iraq within four years from msnbc news it states that McCain says that we can indeed win within four years and this will allow MOST of our troops to come home. Most? We have lost enough brave men and women already and so many have been gone from home long enough.

Since I'm on the subject of political dealings I must say that if I hear anymore about Obama and Clinton I just may lose it. They are just tearing each other apart and making people ignore their messages. If the democrats don't figure out a solution quickly; they will just hand the presidency to the Republicans.

It is far to early in the morning for political talk so I am done.

Thanks for reading
~Amanda Nelson

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