Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Money doesn't grow on trees or in my checkbook

Let's state the obvious...being broke sucks. I'm 25 and I have already had to go through debt counseling and credit fun and so on. I thought a couple of years ago that buying a house was a good idea and I was wrong again. Before anyone buys a home, they should be required to go through some sort of class lesson on what everything means. Our person told us we had a fixed rate...but come to find out, that was only for two years. Now its adjustable and that means pretty much increasing every few months. I went from a mortgage payment of low 500's and now its 750 and August it goes up again. Americans are facing huge problems with foreclosing and I don't want to be another one of those numbers.
Continuing with the money issue, everything is going up except wages. Gas is way up and since gas is so high, groceries are going up; so what's next? I am a supervisor at my job with about 7 years experience in management and I make 8.50 an hour. How are Americans suppose to live off of that? And lets not forget that I will have lots of college debt starting six months after December. And the stimulus checks that are suppose to help our economy isn't really going to do anything for us but more for China, Japan and so on. Come on and face it, when people get extra money they buy crap. Video game systems, camcorders, tvs and so on...and who makes those? Mine however, is going to bills; including over 500 that I have to pay for a hot water heater to be put in the crappy house that I'm trying to save from foreclosing. Too bad money doesnt grow on trees because I would be planting a damn forrest in my yard.

1 comment:

Cari'sThoughts said...

I completely agree with you Amanda. This should be an exciting time in our life (graduating from college) but the biggest thing I can think about is how I am going to be able to afford student loan payments along with all the other things I will have to pay for. I think it is so sad that our generation has to be faced with such financial struggles right from the get go. I am also fed up with the price of everyday things like groceries.. I mean nearly 4 dollars for a gallon of milk?? Give me a break.